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PECO CAT-8 PECO Catalogue Edition 8-2023

Our Price: £4.95
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The PECO catalogue is an essential guide to the hobby, not just for PECO products, and when the new editions are published there is always a rush from modellers to get a copy. As well as being the portal into the world of PECO products it is also a valuable sales item in its own right for your business, so not to have them would be an opportunity lost!

This edition is the biggest ever with 224 pages - that's an extra 12 - full of essential information covering the PECO, Ratio, Wills, Parkside and Modelscene ranges, as well as the publications and Tracksetta templates. Products from the new TT:120 scale are included, as is the expanding Pecoscene Static Grass range.

The perfect-bound A4 catalogue is the essential modelling and sales tool, and you will be pleased to know that we have held the cover price at