Home > Baseboards, Scenics & Scenearama Educational Projects > Woodland Scenics > Landscaping System > Ground Cover & Foliage > Turf


Fine Turf Adds texture and highlights to trees and scenery. Available in six realistic colors, which model fresh, scorched and dying grasses, weeds and dirt roads. Attach with Scenic Cement. Purchase the Scenery Manual for additional information on how to use the Landscaping System.

Blended Turf Used as a base covering over Earth Colors Undercoat Pigment to model grass, weeds and other low growing plants. Available in two colors. Attach with Scenic Cement. Purchase the Scenery Manual for additional information on how to use the Landscaping System.

Coarse Turf Models low grasses, leaves and weeds. Adds
texture and highlights to trees and scenery. Provides a smooth transition from low ground cover to medium and high ground cover. Available in 11 natural colors. Attach with Scenic Cement. Purchase the Scenery Manual for additional information on how to use the Landscaping System.